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Coffee & Walnut Layer Cake

This delicious layer cake with coffee buttercream icing is easy to make with the Dualit Hand Mixer and Coffee Machine. The addition of chopped walnuts gives the sponge a wonderful texture.

Coffee & Walnut Layer Cake

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 25-30 mins

Serves: 8-10


We used Sumatra Mandheling Compostable Coffee Capsules to make our buttercream icing but you can choose your favourite Dualit coffee blend.


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C.
  2. Cream the margarine, sugar and syrup until soft and light with your Dualit Hand Mixer.
  3. Add the eggs one by one, putting in a spoonful of sifted flour with each.
  4. Fold in remaining flour with the chopped walnuts and stir in the vanilla essence.
  5. Pour the mixture into two lined sandwich tins and bake for 25-30 minutes or until a skewer poked into the middle comes out clean.
  6. Use your Dualit Coffee Machine to make two espressos.
  7. Beat sifted icing sugar and butter together until smooth.
  8. Once coffee is cool, add to butter icing bit by bit until you reach the desired strength.
  9. When cake is cold, sandwich together with butter icing and add another layer of butter icing on top.


Top Tips...

  • Garnish your layer cake with whole walnuts and coffee beans to serve


Dualit Products Used

We've used the Dualit Hand Mixer to whip up this Coffee & Walnut Layer Cake!

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