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Carrot and Beetroot Detox Juice

Drink this every day during a short detox, or make it at least once a week. It is wonderfully cleansing for the liver. Choose organic fruit and vegetables and wash them well before chopping them into chunks. If you cannot get all the ingredients, make it with just carrots, apples and grapes.

Carrot and Beetroot Detox Juice

Preparation Time: 2 mins

Cooking Time: 2 mins

Serves: 2


Choose organic fruit and vegetables and wash them well before chopping them into chunks. If you cannot get all the ingredients, make it with just carrots, apples and grapes.



  • 2 (350g [12 oz]) organic carrots, washed but not peeled, chopped
  • 1 green apple, peeled and chopped
  • 12 grapes
  • 1 small raw beetroot, peeled and chopped
  • 1 small handful baby spinach or parsley


  1. Place all the ingredients in your Dualit blender and add 250ml 9 fl oz water. Blend until thick and smooth.

Do not store; finish within the day.


Dualit Product Used

Dualit VortecS Blender
