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Cream Of Green Pea Soup

A lovely fresh-tasting soup, ideal for spring or early autumn.

Cream Of Green Pea Soup

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 35 mins

Serves: 4


A lovely fresh-tasting soup, ideal for spring or early autumn.
Speck or Parma ham may be added at the end, softened in a little hot butter, if you like.



  • a large nut of butter
  • 1 heart of lettuce, cut into fine strips
  • 400g (14 oz) frozen peas or petits pois
  • salt
  • sugar
  • 400ml (14 fl oz) water



  1. Melt the butter in a deep pan.
  2. Add the lettuce, peas, 1 tsp salt, and a dash of sugar.
  3. Cover the pan and cook gently for 10 minutes, until the peas are thoroughly soaked in the butter.
  4. Add the water and cook at a moderate pace until the peas are quite tender - this will
  5. take about 20 minutes.
  6. Purée the soup in the VortecS Blender, then sieve if you want a really smooth result - but you don't have to sieve the soup.
  7. Return to the pan and reheat before serving.


Dualit Products Used:

VortecS Blender
