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Super C Juice

This juice helps build a healthy immune system,and is a good tonic for the skin, capillaries, and for times when you feel a cold coming on.

Super C Juice

Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 0 mins

Serves: 4


This juice helps build a healthy immune system, and is a good tonic for the skin, capillaries, and for times when you feel a cold coming on. It is deliciously thirst-quenching and energising, with an appetising crunchy texture.



  • 2 kiwi fruit
  • 1 small orange
  • 6 large satsumas or clementines
  • 15g (1/2 oz) or small piece of ginger
  • juice of a lemon



  1. Peel all the fruit and the ginger, then slice or chop into chunks.
  2. Place all in the blender and whizz until all is liquid, adding lemon juice to taste at the end.


Dualit Product Used

Dualit VortecS Blender
